A. K. Khan Securities Ltd.

A. K. Khan Securities Ltd. (AKKSL) is member of both Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. & Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. DSE Membership # 06, & CSE Membership # 07, “AKKSL” is sister concern of A.K. Khan & Company Ltd., one of the oldest and most renowned private sector organization in Bangladesh.

A. K. Khan Securities Ltd. is working to provide quality driven brokerage services to the clients as well as new opportunities for individual and institutional investors. No matter how often you trade or how large your account is, when you trust us with your money, we promise to treat you right.

For further information please visit www.akkhansecurities.com

Office Address:

Head Office :
Fazlur Rahman Center (7th floor)
Plot # 72, Dilkhusha C/A.
Dhaka – 1000
(+880)(2)7123509, 7123520, 7114818
Email: info@akkhansecurites.com

Chittagong Office :
As-Salam Tower (2nd floor)
57, Agrabad C/A
Phone: (+880)(31)2526939, 2526940, 2526941
Email: info@akkhansecurites.com