Government adopted the EPZ concept as an ‘Open Door Policy’ to attract the foreign investment in Bangladesh. With a view to provide services in this sector, we have planned to establish AK KHAN ECONOMIC ZONE (AKKEZ).
Objectives of EZ:
• Provide special areas where investors would find a congenial investment climate.
• Cost effective production facilities.
• Attract new investment into the country.
• EZs will bring about a new dimension.
• Lead to export development.
• Development of Backward & Forward linkages, technology transfer and skills.
• Create Employment.
The EZs will enjoy all the privileges and incentives as per EZ rule. Most Unique Facilities of AKKEZ are as follows:
• In house port facility.
• Quick shipment of goods, raw materials & finished products.
• Nominal transport/ logistic cost for shipment.
• Free from any sort of Strike/ Hartal i.e. reduction of lead time.
• Global Distribution center facility.
• Special Storage facility for High-value Import & Export Items.
• Substantial reduction of production & operating costs.
AKEZ will cater to various types of investors comprising of-
• Foreign ownership, Joint Venture & Local Investors.
• Small to medium sized industrial units.
** AKK obtained pre-qualification license for AKKEZ in 2015 including ICT container operation within AKKEZ.